Vian Izak - Music Game

I was delighted to lead all the visuals and programing of a prototype of a music centric game for the music artist Vian Izak. The game was used to test engagement as a feesible project for the Vian Izak brand to pursue.

  • Goals: Produce the preproduction and prototyping for a game that holistically integrates music and fantasy adventure.

  • Implementation: I took the already established look for Vian Izak and expanded it into a fantasy world where music powers glowing thermal stones. Then I programed a prototype game, in Unity.



Demo Game

Unique World:
With tons of Concept art


The World

In the frozen world of Vian Izak, music is turned it no a source of power through music stones. These are integrated into the culture and society, which consists of both of the mute vocal-less cinders and their humans bard counterparts.

The Game

A music timing game where the main through line of the story is the dying world and the power of music to regnite it.